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[[en:AV receiver]]
[[en:AV receiver]]
== The Opposite Of Poverty Is Justice ==
[[ The Opposite Of Poverty Is Justice]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== 7 Reasons Why Not Making Mistakes Is The Biggest Mistake ==
The FEAR of being nothing, achieving nothing and becoming nothing should be way bigger than the fear of making mistakes.A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. ~ George Bernard Shaw
[[ 7 Reasons Why Not Making Mistakes Is The Biggest Mistake]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== How To Speak More Wisely ==
It had been three weeks since my throat started to feel sore, and it wasnt getting better. The pain was most acute when I spoke. So I decided to spend a few days speaking as little as possible. Every time I had the urge to say something, I paused for a moment to question whether it was worth irritating my throat.
[[ How To Speak More Wisely]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== 5 Great Lessons You Can Learn From Life ==
Life isnt meant to be easy, its meant to be lived..sometimes happy, other times rough. But with every up and down you learn lessons that make you strong.Can you step back from your own mind for a little while and realize that life is not as bad as you think it is?
[[ 5 Great Lessons You Can Learn From Life]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== Three Qualifications for the New Politician ==
There are plenty of politicians who genuinely desire to serve their communities and nations with humility and integrity, dedicating their lives to the cultivation of a wisdom that will benefit society at large; sadly, they are a minority.
[[ Three Qualifications for the New Politician]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]

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