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Zeile 34: Zeile 34:
© David Reaton
© David Reaton
"This was the start of it all. This acoustic suspension speaker, whose heritage included AR and KLH models, was designed by Henry Kloss, and sold hundreds of thousands of units in various incarnations. This was the beginning of Advent's classic advertising style, which deliberately avoided hype and BS. One of the original ads is Here. This was certainly an effective advertising style, and this style carried through to all the Advent products. I've reproduced as many of the original ads on this site as I could find."
"This was the start of it all. This acoustic suspension speaker, whose heritage included AR and KLH models, was designed by Henry Kloss, and sold hundreds of thousands of units in various incarnations. This was the beginning of Advent's classic advertising style, which deliberately avoided hype and BS. One of the original ads is Here. This was certainly an effective advertising style, and this style carried through to all the Advent products. I've reproduced as many of the original ads on this site as I could find.
These speakers are still around and kicking, although the foam surrounds will need replacing. I'm not including pictures of this process, because a number of folks have already done a very good job of explaining this. The foam surrounds can be purchased at Winston Organ and Speaker service. A schematic of the crossover can be found here. Links to foam replacement can be found here."
== Bilder ==
== Bilder ==

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